
Disney and Shark Fin Soup


This happened quite a while ago, but it tells you what we, as divers

and ocean concerned friends, can do when we work together.

Dear Divers and Ocean Minded Friends,

On July 3, 2005 we used a Special Edition of our PHD DivEmail (The Mouse That Kills Sharks) to inform you of The Walt Disney Company's unyielding position on serving Shark Fin Soup at their new theme park in Hong Kong, slated to open later this year.  We also promised to inform you immediately when we heard a response from Disney to your letters and notes.

We are again writing to inform you of some spectacular news and developments in this story. 

As of Saturday, June 25, the Disney Company announced IT WILL NO LONGER SERVE OR OFFER, IN ANY WAY, SHARK FIN SOUP at its operation.

An excerpt from the story: 

``After careful consideration and a thorough review process, we were not able to identify an environmental sustainable fishing source, leaving us no alternative except to remove shark's fin soup from our wedding banquet menu,'' the press release said.  (HK Standard, June 25, 2005) 

This is a complete reversal of their former position.

More than 1,600 of you have written to us with fantastic, emotional, and literally gut wrenching letters against the practice of finning sharks.  Peter Hughes Diving was happy, at considerable time and expense, to collate, edit, design, and compile the 400 page DISNEY OPPOSITION books which we delivered to them in mid-June, as promised.

We are very proud to have been a little part of this entire story, but the real credit goes to each and every person who took the time to write, to share it with others, and to share your passion for the sea. 

YOU are:


and have earned our grateful and heartfelt thanks.

Imagine, just a couple of thousand people, around the globe, putting their passion, their money, and their commitment on the line to stand up to The Walt Disney Company for what we believe is right for the oceans of the world. 

And they have agreed with us!

In response to inquiries from the press, we have also released a short statement on behalf of Peter Hughes Diving, Inc.

"The Walt Disney Company's decision not to serve Shark Fin Soup at their Disney, Hong Kong theme park is wonderful news.  As a global leader in high quality, family entertainment, Disney has now shown, by it's actions, that it is also taking a leadership position in helping to save global resources.

We respect and gracefully thank Disney for taking that position, and welcome any additional efforts on their part to forge ahead with other conservation efforts on behalf of the world wide shark population.

And we believe that the 1,000 Peter Hughes Diving, Inc.customers, Disney shareholders, and Disney customers who wrote to Disney opposing their original position will also be delighted with this news, and intend to share it with them as soon as possible..."

Peter Hughes, President, Peter Hughes Diving, Inc.
Bill Gleason, editor, PHD DivEmail, President, WaterPath Electronic Publishing

We have also mailed personal letters of thanks to Disney for reversing their position, and will provide you with appropriate email addresses to do so in the very near future.

While we are delighted at the Disney decision (we grew up with them, too, as many of you mentioned), we realize that this is a small battle in the big war to save sharks.  But it is a very encouraging win, and one we could not have helped to accomplish on our own.

As delighted as we are with the decision, we stand in awe at the wonderful responses on your part that helped make this happen.

Thank You (!!!!) for Being Ocean Minded and Acting Ocean Minded,

Peter and Bill

Peter Hughes, Peter Hughes Diving
Bill Gleason, editor, PHD DivEmail

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There are organizations and people who are working hard to try and protect our sharks.  Sharks are a necessary part of the underwater environment.  In areas where they have been decimated, the whole ecosystem suffers.  

Check out PADI's Project Aware Page and please do your part to help.  If we all work together, we CAN make a difference!